After some consideration I have decided to formally close the public portion of this business under the DBA Walt's Photos and/or the name Walt Sorensen commercial photography. This decision has not been an easy one to make but it is one that I must make. I have never achieved what I had desired to do in photography, and at this time I no longer see some of those dreams in Photography as a possibility. After taking consideration of my future prospects, and my personal desires, I have decided to pursue some different opportunities.

In short this means I will no longer be accepting any new clients under any circumstance. I will continue to service a select few existing clients, or any existing clients which wish to continue working with me. That being said, there will be restrictions on the work I do since I will be focusing other prospects and personal projects.
Additionally, I will not be continuing to sell my fine art or stock photography since these activities are very time consuming. I'm sorry if this decision is disappointing to many people, but I can not in good faith take on clients or additional projects while I service my existing clients and pursue new opportunities. I wish all of you the best in your endeavors, and I hope you can wish me the same.


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